Excuse me, what are your plans for tonight?
The same thing we do every night, Pinky — try to take over the world.
“TNT: It Rocks the Earth” by Claude Bristol.
He who lacks knowledge of the world
Does not know his place, and he who
Does not understand the purpose of the world
Does not know who he is or what
The world is. A first-century message
For those who seek knowledge and progress.
I offer this message without fear,
Knowing it may turn your world upside down,
Bringing health, wealth, success, and happiness,
Provided you understand and accept.
Remember, TNT is a powerful explosive,
And throughout history, its misuse has led to destruction.
Therefore, use it wisely and only for good.
You can find proof in the teachings of the Bible,
Established laws of physics, and common sense.
Read and judge for yourself the validity of the evidence I present.
Some may see the spiritual side, others the scientific truths,
While some may view it as a practical tool for success.
The truth is known by many,
And for those who open their minds, enlightenment will follow.
I am indebted to an old friend, an expert in x-ray and high-frequency devices,
Who introduced me to the power of TNT when I was young.
At that time, I didn’t understand its significance,
But it remained with me, guiding my journey.
After years of searching, I now comprehend its meaning.
It can blow away obstacles and pave the way to success.
For years, I studied successful individuals,
Trying to grasp the qualities that set them apart,
But their secret eluded me. Then came a war,
Where others thrived while I faced obstacles.
The war taught me resilience and the ability to conquer fear,
And I realized that a change was needed.
I delved into countless success books,
Philosophies, and psychology, yet the secret remained elusive.
I joined secret organizations, hoping to find the answers,
But the secret was hidden within me all along.
You must discover what holds you back,
And if not found in my message, seek it elsewhere.
I present this information in the hope that you will find a path to fortune.
I’ve witnessed countless individuals benefit from this knowledge,
And it has transformed organizations and individuals alike.
During a crisis in my own business,
I realized I had to help others and remain steadfast.
I tapped into the power of the subconscious,
And a voice from within guided me to the truth.
I rediscovered the teachings of Albert Pike,
A great scholar and mystic, and everything became clear.
Now, I possess the key, a broad highway to success,
And I invite you to join me on this journey.
Skeptics may scoff, but scoffers never succeed,
They hinder progress while the determined forge ahead.
Great men and women throughout history possess this power,
And they become headliners, making a difference.
The power lies in faith, belief in oneself and one’s ideas.
It is the cornerstone of religions, inventions, and progress.
Everything created by humans was once a thought,
Repeated and visualized until it became reality.
Use the power of sustained thought,
Constantly visualize your desires with absolute belief.
Tap into your subconscious through repetition,
And let the little voice within guide you to success.
Repetition is key, just as a pneumatic chisel chips away at concrete,
Or water dripping on a forehead breaks one’s will.
Repetition creates a powerful suggestion,
Shaping your thoughts and actions.
Repetition is used in advertising, propaganda, and persuasion,
Tapping into your subconscious to influence your decisions.
Families discussing business exemplify the power of repetition,
Constantly focused on making progress and money.
Harness this power for yourself by continuously affirming your desires,
Using the tap tap system to reinforce your mental pictures.
Write down your desires on small cards and carry them with you,
Glance at them frequently, visualizing the details.
Place them where you will see them daily, like above your mirror,
During meals, and before sleep.
Train your mind to focus on these pictures,
And as they become ingrained, they will manifest.
Mirror work can also enhance concentration,
Reflecting your determination and passion back at you.
Get to know yourself deeply and reaffirm your goals,
Strengthening your willpower and determination.
With a clear mental picture and unwavering belief,
You will attract your desires, just as a magnet attracts metal.
Remember, everything on Earth, except for nature itself,
Is the result of sustained thought and mental pictures.
Keep your thoughts focused on what you want,
And the universe will align to make it a reality.
Avoid doubt, indecision, and distractions,
Hold firm to your desires, and take immediate action.
Repetition and visualization, combined with willpower,
Will dissolve obstacles and pave your path to success.
Utilize the power of sustained thought,
Harness the tap tap system, and watch your dreams come true.
Do not underestimate the power of belief and visualization,
For they are the keys to unlocking your potential.
Commit to your desires, embrace the journey,
And become the headliner of your own life’s story.